However those who are in favor of life-extending measures argue that life under any circumstances is better than death and that the duty of doctors is always to extend life as long as possible. 但是赞成采取延长生命的方法的人认为在任何情况下生总比死好;一个医生的责任就是尽可能延长一个人的生命。
However, as JP starts keeping his distance from JD after the death of his father and takes on his duty as the heir to Shinhwa Group, JH again expresses his love for JD. 但是,当俊表为了父亲的死以及神话集团接班人的责任而开始疏远丝草,智厚再一次向丝草示爱。
DEATH, YOUR OWN: This will be accepted as an excuse, but we would like at least two weeks notice, as we feel it is your duty to teach someone else your job. 你的死亡:这个借口可以接受,但我们觉得你至少两个星期以前就该通知我们,至少你有责任将你的工作交接给别人。
But the Pang Tong accidental death causes Liu Bei to dispatch Zhuge Liang to enter Sichuan, lets Guan Yu be responsible for the Jing Zhou defense. In the absence of Comrade Li, the duty fell to him. 但庞统的身亡使得刘备调诸葛亮入川,改命关羽负责荆州防务。李同志不在的时候,是由他负责的。
I don't know if it be a peculiarity in me, but I am seldom otherwise than happy while watching in the chamber of death, should no frenzied or despairing mourner share the duty with me. 我不知道这是不是我的特性,但是,当我守灵时,如果没有发狂的或绝望的哀悼者跟我分担守灵的义务,我是很少有不快乐的时候的。
Death and duty were undeniable. 居丧和天职是不容推托的。
It might have been thought that he hoped the beverage would be mortal, and that he sought for death to deliver him from a duty which he would rather die than fulfil. 他的样子让人感到他希望那种饮料会致他于死地,他是在用死推脱他应该履行一种比死更难过的责任。
Is the media coverage of the heroic death of a firefighter or police officer in the line of duty ever going to diminish that person's reputation? 媒体对消防队员或警官因公而死的英雄壮举进行报道,难道也会毁损该人的名声吗?
A policeman met his death in the line of duty. 一名警察因公殉职。
Any tax on capital will tend to dissuade people from accumulating the wealth in the first place, but a death duty is arguably one of the better options. 任何对资本品税首先都会阻止人们进行财富积累,但遗产税是可加以论证的不错的选择。
Customs duties are paid on goods entering the country, death duties on property when the owner dies, and stamp duty when one sells a house. 关税是货物进口时应缴的税;遗产税是对死者财产所征收的税;印花税是对卖房者征收的税。
But the Seoul Administrative Court ruled that Lim is not entitled to the compensation because Park's death was a result of his chain smoking, not related to his duty. 但是首尔行政法院裁定林女士无权获得补偿,因为帕克的死亡是由于他吸烟过多造成的,与他的职责无关。
YOUR OWN DEATH: This will be accepted as an excuse. However, we require at least two weeks notice as it is your duty to train your own replacement. 病逝:我们可以接受此种请假。但是,必须两个星期前提出。你有责任做好岗位交接。
It includes the puzzles in person "s attitude to their own death and their choice on death fashion, the problems in people" s duty to others "death, the contradictions in people" s choice of behalf. 其中包括人们对待自身生命终结的态度及方式的选择中存在的误区,对待他人之死的伦理责任困惑,利益选择和取舍中的矛盾。
The outstanding issue whether death duty can be constructured along with this thought is politically attractive. I will attempt to accomplish this task in this article. 遗产税是否沿着这条思路建构这一悬而未决的问题很有政治吸引力,我将在本文中企图完成这一任务。
The mayor is calling for the death penalty for anyone who kills police officers in the line of duty. 市长呼吁对那些杀害正在执行公务的警官的人处以死刑。
Analysis of the relationship between death time of burn patients'and nursing on duty arrangement 烧伤患者死亡时间讨论与护理排班制度分析
Remark on Death Education from the point of Medical Personnel's Duty 从医护人员的职责看死亡教育
Estate duty on the property left by the death collect taxes, the introduction of inheritance tax in China is the current industry practice with the theoretical circle on the hot, and the introduction of inheritance tax legislation is the premise of duty. 遗产税是对公民死亡时遗留的财产课征的税收,开征遗产税是我国目前理论界与实务界探讨的热点,而遗产税立法是开征遗产税的前提。